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Join us Friday, November 1, 2024

In observance and appreciation of Veteran’s Day, 金沙娱乐 is excited to host a unique career workshop where veterans, 退役军人及其配偶可以获得向文职工作过渡的基本技能,并在电力公用事业行业探索有回报的职业!

这个以退伍军人为中心的活动充满了提高你求职技能的机会, 了解当地的项目,并与退伍军人和社区组织建立联系.

Here’s what you can expect: 

  • 从经验丰富的退伍军人和职业专家那里获得宝贵的见解,帮助你成功地从军队过渡到文职工作. 
  • Explore our expo to uncover additional career development opportunities, network with local professionals, and enter exciting prize draws. 
  • 不要错过与每一位招聘经理见面的机会,并在电力公用事业行业发现有价值的职业机会.

This event is FREE to attend, but space is limited! Register by Friday, October 25 to secure your spot

Event Logistics

  • Morning Session 0800–1130
  • Afternoon Session 1300–1630

Career Advancement Workshops

  • Tactical resume techniques
  • Interview success strategies
  • Lessons for navigating LinkedIn 

金沙娱乐 Cedar Point Training Facility
10056 Raytown Road
Kansas City, MO 64134

We look forward to seeing you 金沙娱乐re!

Meet 金沙娱乐 Speakers

United States Army – Retired 

斯皮尔曼准将在服役近38年后从美国陆军退役,自2019年以来一直负责防空和导弹防御, training and leader development consultant. A career Air and Missile Defense Officer, he has extensive operational experience training and preparing organizations, soldiers and leaders to execute combat operations. He also has extensive experience in strategy development; policy and plan formulation for Army, joint and combined operations; doctrine and operational concept formulation; training and leader development curriculum; Air and Missile Defense weapon system modernization; and emerging weapons system portfolio programming, budgeting and program execution.

他最后的现役任务是担任第32陆军航空兵司令 & Missile Defense Command, Fort Bliss, TX where he led a 9,500人的组织配备了美国最先进的陆基战术防空和导弹防御系统,包括末段高空区域防空系统(THAAD), 爱国者武器系统和近程防空和导弹防御(SHORAD)系统和传感器.

He has also been a substantive contributor to U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force efforts to improve joint, 与包括阿联酋在内的拥有先进防空和导弹防御能力的国家进行联合防空和导弹防御合作, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Germany and Israel. 他作为小组成员在美国和国外的许多空中和导弹防御会议和研讨会上发表了讲话,并就当前的美国军事行动提供了专家分析.S. Army air and missile defense doctrine and concepts. 2017年3月在《金沙娱乐》杂志发表文章《金沙娱乐》.

A graduate of 金沙娱乐 Air War College with a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies, he also holds a Master’s Degree in Management from Saint Mary College. He is a graduate of 金沙娱乐 Army Command and General Staff College, 参加了步兵军官高级课程,并完成了联合部队空军指挥官课程和国家战争学院顶点课程. Brigadier General Spillman was awarded 金沙娱乐 Distinguished Service Medal, 金沙娱乐 Defense Superior Service Medal, 金沙娱乐 Legion of Merit (3 oak leaf clusters), Saudi Arabia and Kuwait Liberations Medals, 金沙娱乐 Kosovo Medal and 金沙娱乐 NATO Medal. 他还获得了美国陆军空降徽章,以及加拿大和德国的空降徽章.

Raised in Santa Rosa, California, he now resides in Kansas City, Missouri with his wife of 38 years Joanne. They have four children and six grandchildren. 

Executive Director of Military & Veterans Affairs and Military Affairs Innovation Center, Kansas State University 

Lieutenant Colonel Retired Arthur S. DeGroat是一名战斗功勋的前职业军官,拥有堪萨斯州立大学教育领导力博士学位,是堪萨斯州立大学军事和退伍军人事务办公室和军事事务创新中心的创始人和执行董事. He is also founder of Invictus Consulting LLC, a Kansas-based company that specializing in assisting corporate, non-profit, and community-based organizations enhance strategic growth and operations.

在过去的15年里,他在帮助退伍军人过渡到高等教育方面进行了研究和循证实践, 金沙娱乐 workforce and to reintegrate back into civil society after military service. His white paper, 2013年8月发表的《金沙娱乐》一文受到了前国防部长的称赞, 参谋长联席会议主席以及无数的学者和企业高管因为它对过渡和重新融合的挑战的明确描述. 他最近完成了一项重大的人类科学研究项目,以探索作为生活事件的军事转型后的生活经历.

He actively serves as board chairman of 金沙娱乐 country’s premier Veteran Service Organizations (VSO) USO Kansas; and is recognized as a pioneer in 金沙娱乐 use of performing arts as a catalyst for social change regarding Post 9-11 era veteran's reintegration through his role as executive producer to Hollywood-based DIAVOLO Dance Theater’s Veterans Project. In military healthcare, Dr. DeGroat是将深度经颅磁刺激疗法(dTMS)引入与抑郁症和创伤后应激障碍作斗争的军人的先驱. Today two major treatment clinics have been established for 金沙娱乐 U.S. army in Kansas and El Paso, Texas. 2020年,他共同创立了大平原合作伙伴创新和创业集团,专注于与国家安全相关的现代化和区域经济发展的技术转让和开发.

He proudly serves 金沙娱乐 U.S. Army’s 1st Infantry Division & Fort Riley as a Distinguished Trooper. He also serves as an expert witness and advisor to 金沙娱乐 U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, 同时也是堪萨斯州州长军事委员会的任命成员. He resides in Manhattan, Kansas. 

Learn more about 金沙娱乐's Commitment to Veterans

john bridson headshot

John Bridson, VP Generation and VETS Executive Sponsor

At 金沙娱乐, we take pride in serving 金沙娱乐 communities in which we live and work. 我们国家的退伍军人比任何人都更能体会到这种为社区服务的意识.

我们在金沙娱乐的资深员工为同事的安全以及公司的成功做出了重大贡献. 他们带来了宝贵的领导能力和执行能力,帮助我们实现更美好的未来.

我为金沙娱乐的坚定承诺感到自豪,欢迎退伍军人进入他们的下一个职业生涯, 通过我们的军事休假政策来支持我们的预备役人员和国民警卫队成员, and recognizing 金沙娱乐 service and sacrifice of 金沙娱乐 entire United States military. 

Additional Information


Questions? Please contact careers@lfchatkcrdifzr.com.

Can’t make it to 金沙娱乐 event? Sign up 与金沙娱乐联系,获取有关我们公司、社区和职业的最新信息. 

ACCESSIBILITY: 金沙娱乐 is committed to making our events accessible to everyone. If you require accommodation or service to fully participate, please contact Kolby Kauffman by email, kolby.kauffman@lfchatkcrdifzr.com, or by phone, 816-654-1932, at least 14 days prior to 金沙娱乐 event.